I am planning on doing a clean up involving a large number of people. Do you have insurance which covers us?

Yes. If you register for a national spring clean event you will automatically be covered under An Taisce’s public liability insurance policy. Public liability covers the organiser(s) of a clean up in the event of an accident occurring to a volunteer or a member of the public or their proerty that may be attributed to

I am planning on doing a clean up involving a large number of people. Do you have insurance which covers us? Read More »

If my registration is only for one year, why am I receiving a prompt via email / post?

The only information from registration we ever hold on to is email addresses or postal addresses, which goes in a separate file and is used to send out an application form once registration opens the following year. Many people like to know as soon as registration opens, as items for the packs can run out

If my registration is only for one year, why am I receiving a prompt via email / post? Read More »