Taking part in the National Spring Clean is very straight forward. Organize for a clean up of your local area, to take place any time during April, and register your event online, by phone, fax or post. To register online click on the ‘Sign Up’ icon below. Once you have registered you will receive a FREE clean-up kit from An Taisce.

The clean up kit contains valuable tips on how to hold a successful clean-up event, a poster to advertise your event, ideas on how to make your event different and lots more useful information. The pack also includes plastic bags in which to collect your litter and recyclable material, some tabards to keep your clothes clean and some gloves to keep your hands safe and clean. Because National Spring Clean encourages recycling, a number of colour coded bags are provided for collection of litter that can be recycled. Recycling helps reduce the production of greenhouse gases and therefore climate change read more here >>
Once you have a firm date for your event you should contact your Local Authority’s Environmental Officer (don’t know who to contact? Click here for a full list). Your council will arrange with you the details for free rubbish disposal after your clean-up.